This morning I woke up disheartened. Me and my husband are so busy and it felt like any other regular day. I was stuck in my own selfish shell when I realized the truth behind Valentine's Day.
Growing up we see the romance and the gifts. We are taken in by the thought of it all. That's what we have come to expect. I am a die hard romantic and my hopes have always been high on Valentine's Day.
As I was feeling sorry for our busy day and the fact that there wasn't anything special going on, I realized that I was looking at this all wrong. It isn't about the presents and the romance. It is about the love.
I have so much love for my husband. He means the world to me. Everyday I somehow find that I love him more than the day before. It is always growing deeper and deeper. I realized that it didn't matter that we didn't have time for a big romantic dinner, or that we couldn't afford anything right now to give to each other. The fact remained that we loved each other and that we had each other for another day. What more could one ask for on Valentines day?
Not only did I realize this, but also that I had so many people in my life that loved me and that I love. This day is about expressing to them your care. It is about making sure people know how you feel and how grateful you are.
My life has been nothing other than a fairy tale. I have a prince charming who loves me and who I love. I am treated like a princess everyday. It is like Valentine's 24/7. So this "normal" day, is not so normal. For my normal is Valentine's. It is filled with love. I have nothing to complain about or feel down about. I wasted time this morning not seeing what was right in front of me.
Let love in to your everyday life. Live in Valentines! There is nothing better than going out of your way to show and tell someone you love them and have it returned. I am so grateful for my family and for my wonderful husband! Happy Valentine's Day Everyone.:):)
So true! (: - Kassandra