Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Not all is as it seems...

I have decided to share a poem and short thought i have written. Hope you enjoy!

1. The crane like a giraffes neck reaches. It's tongue desperate for a lick. It clenches down on the dry dirt, warm from the scorching sun. The clanking of metal rolls off the caged off pavement at Brigham Young University Idaho. The dark wheels menacing, continue to roll as though it has no cares. A monster on a rampage. People pass, uneffected by the roar and sight of a world tearing apart. Do they know something I don't? This mess its caused, it strikes me. It leaves tracks everywhere it turns. The smell of dirt wafting up overwhelmes me. This machine knows a purpose for the disheveled ground its digged for it never stops. Others may not understand the need for this. I now see its reason. Some things are better ripped a part to place a new thing of beauty. I sit on the hard gray stone wall encompassed by warmth from the summer sun. All I can do is stare and watch the earth shake beneathe me. The once ugly orange parts attacking the place it stands on now holds a purpose. Not all things are as they seem.

2. To take flight amongst billowing clouds,
to soar above great heights;
while looking down at passing faces,
found only in my sight.

When to come down I do not know,
nor do I want to,
for up above I freely soar
forgetting what to do.

No strings, no rules,
not a soul to halt me;
limitations do not exist.
Only I can say what I will be

whether bird or fish or car or just me,
it doesn't truly matter.
The wind is strong and lifts me higher,
but suddenly it all tatters.

Tears stream down as I soon learn,
not all is as it seems.
For as I blink I sadly see...
It was all just a dream.

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